Former Research Associates

Mariana Vega-Mendoza

Luleå University of Technology

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Before joining MEITS as a Research Associate on Strand 6, Mariana was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the MULTAC-Lab at Anglia Ruskin University. Her background is in psycholinguistics and neuropsychology. Mariana’s doctoral work at the University of Edinburgh focused on the effects of bilingualism on cognitive performance and on second-language processing using structural priming and ERPs. Mariana earned an M.A. in Hispanic Linguistics from the Ohio State University, where she also collaborated in aphasia rehabilitation research, and taught Spanish as a second language. In Mexico, Mariana completed a B.A.(Hons) in Psychology (UNAM), a Diploma in Neuropsychology (REAPRENDE-BUAP), and received training on cognitive assessment of patients with brain tumours (INNN). As a PDRA in Strand 6, Mariana studied the effects of language learning in later adulthood in both healthy ageing and dementia.

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